Class Blog for Year 2

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Money, money, money 

Since the start of January we have been learning about money. We have recapped how to recognise coins and notes. From there we were then able to find different ways of making the same amount e.g. 10p+20p=30p and 10p+10p+10p=30p and then to compare amounts. We know that bigger coins do not always mean the greatest amount. We also explored ways of making £1 knowing that it is 100p. We could apply our knowledge of column addition and subtraction to find the total of amounts from buying items in the spring shop and to give change. Perhaps you could play shops at home? Or have a go at these money games Money games for kids (

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Week 2 

This week we have been recapping our knowledge from Year 1 about the 7 continents of the world. We used an Atlas to check where each continent was and also gained knowledge about the 5 Oceans. There is a very catchy song to help the children remember the continents... here is the link, but be warned. Once you listen to it once it'll be stuck in your head for days! ( Continents Song )

In English we have been looking at expanded noun phrases (The green, tall trees towered over the rain forest.) and in Maths our work on money this week ended with reading a menu and using column addition to price up items and work out the total.

Please keep up with the reading and TTRS - the home learning grids have also been sent home, thank you to those that have sent in work already!

Have a lovely weekend,

Year 2 Team. 



In our computing lessons the children have been learning about how computers work. They started off identifying the parts of a computer/laptop (keyboard, mouse, screen, mousepad, speaker). Then they looked at the difference between input and outputs. The children learnt that inputs put information into a computer like a keyboard and an output gives information from the computer like a printer.

Using an online paint program the children have revisited previous learning (to paint a picture) and have now learnt how to add text. Using the save button they have learnt how to save their picture so they can add to it another day.

You can access the paint program at home by searching for


Week 6  

Gingerbread instruction writing!

On Monday, the Year 2 children had to instruct Mr O'Dwyer on how to make gingerbread! Mr O'Dwyer is not very experienced when it comes to baking, so with a little help from the pupils he made his first ever gingerbread people! We wanted the children to use adverbs to describe how verbs should be completed. For example, rather than saying "put the ingredients in the bowl" - which Mr O'Dwyer did with too much enthusiasm, the pupils were encouraged to use adverbs to make sure things were done SAFELY and CAREFULLY! Mrs Bodinnar wrote down the children's instructions and we used this to help write instructions on how to make a snowman biscuit. 

The Christmas Play performances have been brilliant! Thank you to all parents and carers for their support with lines and costumes. Those that have seen it so far, we hope you have enjoyed it. Last performance on Monday!

Next week, Monday is a performance day, and Thursday is Christmas Party afternoon. Please send your child into school in their party clothes. 

Have a lovely weekend!

The Year 2 Team 


Chance to Shine- PE 

We have been lucky enough this half term to have Charlie from Cornwall Cricket to run our PE lessons. The children have been thoroughly enjoying his cricket lessons from the ‘Chance to Shine’ program. They have been focusing on throwing and catching skills thinking about catching high/low and accuracy of their throw. They have learnt how to catch using the regular cup hand position and challenging themselves to catch with 1 hand! The children continue to improve their ball skills and it has been great to watch their confidence grow!

Please remember that costumes for our Nativity must be in by December 1st and make sure you have returned the letter to get your tickets.

Have a lovely weekend, Year 2 team.


Week 3 Autumn 2 Round up! 

This week in English, the pupils have been innovating the story of 'The Gingerbread Man'. They have come up with their own characters based on the traditional tale. They all had the main character of 'The Snowman Biscuit' but from there had to think of who the Snowman Biscuit was made by, and who he or she meets as they run (or skip, or slide... lots of verbs!) away.

They have started writing up their versions of the story, but prior to this we looked at the -ed suffix and the past tense. The pupils are really developing their story writing and the stamina for writing is improving too.

In RE we talked about the Jewish day of Shabbat. They were shocked to hear that Jewish people can't turn lights on or use electronic devices during Shabbat! Many of them were not sure if they could do that!

Our Christmas Play rehearsals are going well! The children are doing so well. We cannot wait to share it with you! Please make sure that costumes are brought into school before Friday 1st December ready for our dress rehearsals the following week.  

Keep up with the reading and spellings, and we will see you next week!

The Year 2 Team. 


Levers and pivots 

Over the past few weeks the children have been busy in their DT (Design and Technology) lessons exploring mechanisms. At first they identified the difference between a pivot and a lever in preparation to make a moving monster! Then the children needed to create a design criteria to record what features the moving monster needed to include. After talking about what monsters look like, the children came up with different design ideas before deciding on the one they were going to make.

The children used strips of card and split pins to create the pivots and levers which would form the body of the monster-it was quite fiddly but they were patient. After the body they could attach the head. The children were thrilled with their moving monster and had fun testing out their mechanisms to make the monster open and close it mouth.

Please don’t forget to book a parents evening appointment for next week. We look forward to sharing all their hard work with you.

Many thanks Year 2.


Special Objects 

This week in RE, we started out unit on Judaism. First, we talked about objects that are special to us. We had snow globes, teddies, games and many more, but the reasons behind why they were special was lovely to hear. 

The children had a chance to look at and hold special Jewish items. There was a Seder Plate, a Menorah and a Mezuzah. Todays lesson focused on the Mezuzah which is found on the right hand side of door frames in houses. The Mezuzah has a special scroll inside with a special prayer on it, and Jewish people touch the Mezuzah as they enter the house and say a prayer. 

We will be learning more about Judasim over the coming weeks. 

Yes, it's that time of year! We have given each pupil a letter with information about what part they will play in our upcoming Christmas show! Those pupils with lines have been given a copy to practice at home. Any problems with sourcing costumes please let us know. This years play is 'Christmas with the Aliens!' 

Please continue to read at home and practice spellings. Have a lovely weekend.

The Year 2 team.


We made it! 

The Year 2 team would like to wish all the children and their families a restful half term break. We are so proud of all the amazing learning that has happened over the past 7 weeks. This was show cased through some half term retrieval quizzes in Science, History and RE. The children have gained so much knowledge and we were blown away with how well they were able to demonstrate this.

Why don't you ask them...
"What do you know about Florence Nightingale?...why might people call her a superhero?"
"Tell me about Mary Anning's discoveries."
"What are the 5 food groups? 
"How can I keep my body hygienic?"
"Tell me about the creation many days do Christians believe God made the world?"
"How might Christians describe what God is like?

We look forward to seeing you all again on Monday 30th October.

Best wishes,
Year 2 team. 



Frida Kahlo 

This week Year 2 explored the life and work of Frida Kahlo. The Mexican artist was famous for using bright, vibrant colours to pain self portraits. We first research facts about Frida Kahlo, then use poster paints to tint (lighten) and shade (darken) colours. We have started to paint our backgrounds ready for our self portraits next week. 

Maths - please keep going with the Times Table Rockstars at home. We have seen a drop in participation across the school, so it would be great if Year 2 children led by example!

Please note, next Friday is a school INSET day, so a 4 day week! See you then!

The Year 2 team. 


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