Head's Blog

Friday 7th March 2025

What a full week we have had at school. We’ve celebrated St Piran’s Day by learning the story of St Piran and a whole school ‘Trelawny Shout’.

During the week, many of our children also took part in the Wadebridge Festival of Music and Speech. Well done to everyone who represented themselves and our school so well. The Festival Secretary commented: “We loved all the Wadebridge Primary Academy performances, both in the spoken English section and the choir classes.”

On Thursday, there was a buzz of reading across the whole school as we marked World Book Day. As well as the wonderful costumes, we had paired reading over a hot chocolate and biscuit; interviews with our Reading Ambassadors and of course the outcome of the best decorated classroom door. Congratulations to all the classes; the doors look amazing.Mrs Lucock had the difficult task of judging them:
1st Place: 3B - George's Marvellous Medicine
2nd Place: 1W - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
3rd Place: 2W – “Slowly, Slowly, Slowly,” said the Sloth

To end the week, we welcomed family members in for Year 5’s scientific Stay and Learn. Thank you all for coming. We hope you enjoyed the experience.

Year Group Newsletters
To see what else has been happening in classes these last two weeks, please take a look at the Year Group Newsletters found on the class pages of our website.

Year 2 Assembly 09:00 Thursday 13th March
We look forward to seeing family members of Year 2 at their assembly next Thursday. Doors open from 08:30, with a start time of 09:00. To help the morning drop-off routine, any Year 2 families driving are encouraged to park in the staff car park (double parking is fine).

FOWPA Disco – Thursday 3rd April Get your dancing shoes on; it's nearly time for our FOWPA Disco!
As well as having a fun time, the event will also raise money for FOWPA (Friends of Wadebridge Primary Academy). All money raised goes towards supporting various school projects, resources and experiences.
Please check your emails for further details and how to sign up.

House Points
Congratulations to this week’s winners, Swans. Swans have now taken the lead overall:
Swans – 6259
Choughs – 6251
Puffins – 5518
Cormorants – 5327

Have a wonderful weekend. 


Click here for more blog entries.



Welcome to Wadebridge Primary Academy’s website. We do hope that you find everything that you are looking for, but if you have any questions, please send us an email (secretary@wadebridgeprimary.co.uk) or give us a call (01208 814560).

Our school is based in North Cornwall and borders some of Cornwall’s most beautiful beaches, along with the Camel Trail. We are one of the largest primary schools in Cornwall with 16 classes of children organised into a two form entry school, from Nursery (2,3 and 4 year olds) through to Year 6 and we are proud to be a member of the Bridge Schools Multi Academy Trust. We have a large team of dedicated staff who are passionate about delivering exciting learning opportunities and experiences for children across the school.

Our aspiration is for all pupils to learn, thrive and excel. At Wadebridge Primary Academy, our curriculum is designed with knowledge at its heart to ensure that children develop a strong vocabulary base and extensive understanding of the world. We appreciate that a knowledge-rich curriculum does not simply mean memorising disconnected facts. Pupils develop relationships with knowledge so that they can put their knowledge to work in powerful, meaningful ways.

Our curriculum provides opportunities for pupils to develop understanding by connecting new knowledge with existing knowledge in order to develop fluency and the ability to apply their knowledge as skills. We aim to deliver a broad, balanced and inclusive curriculum which empowers pupils to achieve their full potential and make informed and responsible decisions throughout their lives. Our curriculum is enhanced by visitors, educational visits, residential trips, hands on experiences, WOW days, links to the local community and purposeful outcomes.

We have a well- resourced and organised school with many additional spaces to learn and play. For example, we have an Art Studio, A Rainbow Room (a calm, reflective space) and break out rooms for interventions to take place. We have a large school hall and stage area, where we gather regularly as a school for assemblies, celebrations and performances. At the back of our school hall is our on-site kitchen where delicious meals are cooked and shared daily.

One of the most special parts of our school is our well stocked two-story Library. We are proud to have a ‘Gold’ Library Membership with Cornwall Council which means we are able to maintain a high quality collection of books to excite and enthuse our learners. Children visit on a weekly basis to choose a book of interest to take home and share with their family.

The children tell us that the outdoor areas of our school are some of the most exciting places to be! We have a large sports field which includes a fire pit, a bike track and a polytunnel. Each Key Stage has a play area, which includes climbing frames, a climbing wall, basketball and football courts.

In addition to a varied and exciting school life, we offer wrap around care with our on-site club Bridge Kids. Children are able to join our breakfast and after school facilities from 7.30am-6pm. This provision is also available during some of the school holidays.

We are incredible lucky to also be supported by ‘Friends of Wadebridge Primary’ (also known as FOWPA). They are a well organised group of parents, grandparents and friends who help to organise additional community activities which raise money to provide some of the ‘extras’ our children enjoy including end of term treats, theatre visits, additional school trips and additional resources to use at playtimes.

We hope you enjoy looking around our school website and for more information, you can find us on Facebook too.

Please do get in touch if you have any questions.

Best wishes,
Mr Chris Wathern, Headteacher.


Mr Chris Wathern

Gonvena Hill
PL27 6BL

01208 814560

Our Values...



We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.



We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.



We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.



We are passionate about learning.



We are the best we can be.



We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

© 2025 Bridge Schools trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Registration number 7736425. It is an exempt charity.