Year 1 Visitor
On Wednesday, Year 1 were lucky to have a visit from Rosie Needham and her partner, Nick, who came to talk to us all about Rosie’s two visits to Antarctica. Rosie followed in the footsteps of Sir Ernest Shackleton, visiting and walking some of the places Shackleton explored on his Endurance expedition. As the year group have been learning about Shackleton in their History lessons, the children were able to impress Rosie with their knowledge, including that of penguins. After showing them a video of her trip and lots of photographs, the children asked some brilliant questions and were then able to explore the books Rosie had kindly brought in.
Reception and Year 2 Trip to The Eden Project
Reception Ice Explorers: Reception had the most amazing time at Eden. They loved the coach and enjoyed singing a few songs on our journey. When we arrived, we dropped off our bags and headed to the ice rink where there were lots of fun things to play on. After the ice rink, we headed back to have some lunch, before finally ending our day with a walk around the Rainforest Biome. The children were wonderfully behaved and we were so proud of how they were on our trip. Thank you Reception! Thank you to all the parent helpers for your help; we hope you had as much fun as we did.
From the Reception Team
Year 2 Rainforest Rangers: Year 2 took part in a 'Rainforest Rangers' workshop. They had a chance to share the knowledge they had gained from recent science lessons about what plants need to grow and stay healthy. The Eden staff were very impressed! After talking about the bio-diversity of the rainforest, the children watched a video of a Rainforest Ranger, currently working in the Amazon Rainforest to ensure it is well looked after. The children discussed what would be needed to survive in the rainforest (food, water and shelter) and were given materials such as bamboo and rattan to explore.
We then ventured into the Rainforest Biome and searched for plants that would provide us with what we needed to survive. The children were so engaged and curious and asked many questions to the Eden staff. Year 2 were a credit to WPA; the Eden staff commented on how respectful our pupils were - a lovely bit of feedback to receive.
From the Year 2 Team
House Competition – Perfect Plots for Superb Stories
We recently launched our next competition with the whole school. Children need to use their imaginations to come up with ideas, however the plot outline can only be a maximum of 300 words. The deadline for entries is next Thursday. The overall winner will receive a £5 voucher, with the runners up winning a book of your choice. Put your entries in the entry box, which can be found on the House Captain display along the corridor. If you have any questions, please ask one of us.
From your House Captains
Year 6 Stay and Learn
We had a fantastic morning at our Year 6 ‘Stay and Learn’, where parents joined in to bring the session to life! The morning started with the No, No, Yes game, sparking plenty of creative and entertaining stories. The children then worked alongside their adults, letting their imaginations run wild as they wrote about the Mystery of the Missing Shoe or penned heartfelt letters to their future selves. It was truly wonderful to see their faces light up as they shared their work, with some even stepping up to the microphone to read aloud with confidence.
A huge well done to our Year 6 pupils, and a big thank you to all the parents who took part—we loved having you with us.
Some of the parental feedback:
“Loved spending time with the children and seeing the amazing writing that they can do and ideas they come up with. Was great to see everybody and the children's books were wonderful.”
“Really enjoyed working with small groups of children and other parents; seeing some of the work they've been doing (Darwin/evolution projects is gorgeous work) and spending a bit of time in school sharing creativity!”
From the Year 6 team
Trust Dodgeball Competition
Congratulations to our Year 3 ‘Dodgeballers’ on Thursday. They played fantastically well and showed great teamwork and perseverance.
Parent Teacher Consultations
A reminder that we have our Parent Teacher Consultations the first week back after half term. If you haven’t already, please sign up on Arbor to make your appointment. See email sent on Wednesday 29th January for further details.
School Crossing Patrol Update
We have been informed by CORMAC that there will be no school crossing patroller in place on Gonvena Hill, until further notice. We will keep you updated should CORMAC find a replacement. Please be mindful when crossing the main road.
PE Kit - Outdoor PE Socks
Should you want your child to wear non-white PE socks for outdoor PE, where they may get muddy, e.g. football, please send them in with a spare pair to change into just before their PE session.
House Points
Congratulations to this week’s winners, Choughs. Overall, Swans are still just out in front:
Swans – 5282
Choughs – 5215
Puffins - 4546
Cormorants – 4474
Welcome to Charlotte Cloke
Next week, we look forward to welcoming Charlotte to join the team as a Lunchtime Supervisor.
Year 1 Assembly – Thursday 13th February
Next Thursday, family members of Year 1 are invited to join Year 1 for their assembly. The doors will open at 08:30, where tea and coffee will be served in the Hall. The assembly then starts at 09:00. The staff car park (through the green gates) will be available for Year 1 families to use at drop off.
Bridge Kids – Breakfast Club Vacancy
We are seeking an enthusiastic Breakfast Club Assistant to join our team, supporting children during breakfast before school (07:30-08:30 Monday-Friday). This role involves creating a safe, engaging, and fun environment, helping children develop social skills and enjoy play-based activities.
Key Responsibilities:
Year 5 Assembly
A special well done to Year 5 for their out of this world assembly yesterday. We had singing, dancing, facts and a quiz (congratulations to the winning group of parents – not that it was competitive)! Despite some outer space interference with our IT systems, the children showed great resilience, courage and performance skills. To finish off the week, Year 5 were mesmerized by the space dome experience, whilst Year 6 spent time in the dome experiencing the journey of evolution.
Fire Evacuation
Today, we held our unannounced fire evacuation. We did this during break time when the majority of our classes were outside. The children responded to this very calmly, given this was a different practice to one when we are all inside. We will be holding our lockdown practice before half term. I will write again following this practice to let you know.
Maths Coffee Morning Workshop
Earlier in the week, Mr O’Dwyer hosted a coffee morning and maths workshop. Attached to the email sent home today, you’ll find slides of his interactive presentation.
Trust Visits
On Tuesday, I had the pleasure of joining other Trust leaders for a visit and learning walk at St Cleer school. These visits are always useful to see another school in action and share expertise across the Trust. Next Tuesday morning, we will be hosting our visit, where Trust leads and the Headteacher of Looe Primary will be joining us in a learning walk throughout our school.
Year 6 Stay and Learn – Friday 7th February
Next Friday, after drop off, Year 6 will be hosting their Stay and Learn session, where Year 6 families are invited to join their children for a shared learning experience. This event will focus on creative writing, helping children discover the joy of writing in a fun and engaging way. There will be teas, coffees, and exciting games to enjoy. Should the car park become busy at drop off, parents/carers of Year 6 can use the staff car park in the morning.
Farewell to Mrs Jess Valter
It’s with very mixed emotions that I let you know that Mrs Jess Valter (Year 2 TA and Breakfast Club TA) will be leaving us at the end of this half term. Jess has found making the decision so hard as, in her own words, appreciated the experience here at school and will really miss the staff and the supportive, collaborative atmosphere. Jess’ contribution to the school has been immense both in class as a TA, an HLTA, out in the playground and community, and of course rustling up tasty breakfasts in Bridge Kids. Jess has been offered an amazing new opportunity in the hospitality industry, and we wish her the very best!
Year Group News
Attached to the email sent home today (and posted on the Class pages of our website), you’ll find your child’s fortnightly Year Group News, which highlights some of the teaching and learning from the last couple of weeks and what’s coming up next. Do take a look to see what’s been happening.
Dates coming up
Monday 3rd February
Children’s Mental Health Week
House Event launch
14:00-16:00 KS2 Netball Skills Festival
Wednesday 5th February
Year 1 Shackleton & Seaside Visitor
YR/Y6 Weight and Height Check
Thursday 6th February
Reception and Year 2 Trip to Eden Project
Year 3/4 Trust Dodgeball Competition at Callywith College
Friday 7th February
08:45-09:45 Year 6 Stay & Learn
Tuesday 11th February
Safer Internet Day
Thursday 13th February
09:00 Year 1 Assembly
Friday 14th February
School closed - INSET
Monday 17th – Friday 21st February
Half term break
Monday 24th February
Back to school
What a wonderful way to end the week, with our Year 4 Stay and Learn; thank you to everyone who was able to make it. The children certainly had a wonderful time being Division Detectives with you.
Next Thursday at 9am, we look forward to welcoming parents/carers from Year 5 to join their child’s year group assembly. Should the car park become busy, parents/carers of Year 5 can use the staff car park in the morning.
Please see below for some other announcements/important information.
Have a great weekend.
Chris Wathern
Reception and Year 2 Trip to Eden
Thank you for signing your children up for this trip. We do ask that the total balance is paid by Monday 3rd February. Unfortunately, should we not receive enough funds for the trip, we may have to cancel.
Coffee Morning & Maths Workshop – Monday 27th January 08:30-09:15
There is still time to sign up!
Mr O’Dwyer will be hosting an informal maths workshop and coffee morning after drop off next Monday 27th January.
During the workshop, he will be sharing some information about what maths looks like at WPA and the approach we take to ensure pupils develop 'KIRFs' (Key Instant Recall Facts). You will also have the chance to have a go at resources such as Times Table Rockstars to aid with home learning. We look forward to seeing you there, even if you can’t stay for the whole session.
Staying Safe Online
At the end of March, Mrs Orme and I are hosting a coffee morning about staying safe online. We will be sharing various materials and giving parents the opportunity to ask any questions and share tips they have to support our children staying safe online.
Tuesday 11th February also marks Safer Internet Day, but we realise that helping our children stay safe online is a year-wide issue. For instance, only this week, we were made aware of a WhatsApp group used by some Year 6 children across a wide range of Wadebridge (and beyond) schools. We made our Year 6 parents aware about this group and followed up with the children as part of our PSHE curriculum.
On our website, under Staying Safe, click on Parent Downloads and scroll down to 'Documents' to access some resources which you may find useful in helping our young people keeping safe online.
Fire Drill
To ensure we all know what to do should there be a reason to evacuate the building, we practice this each term. Last term, we let everyone know when the alarm would sound. Next week, we will be doing an unannounced drill, but letting the children know that it will be happening at some point during the week. Later in the term, we will be practicing our Lockdown arrangements and will let you know when this has taken place.
RHS Gardening Awards
We are delighted to have received our Level 1 Award for gardening. Mrs O'Dwyer and the children across the school have been working hard to prepare our gardening area and polytunnel. They have planted seeds which you can see growing ready to harvest as the year progresses.
Welcome to Mrs Jo Andrews
Next week, we look forward to welcoming Jo to the Nursery team. Jo was recently successful in securing the Teaching Assistant position and brings with her lots of experience working with our youngest children.
House Points
Congratulations to this week’s winners, Choughs. Overall, Swans maintain the lead, but there’s only 50 points between 1st and 2nd:
Swans – 4381
Choughs – 4331
Cormorants – 3870
Puffins – 3791
With our upcoming House events planned this term, anything can happen to the leaderboard.
Dates coming up over the next two weeks
Monday 27th January 08:45
Coffee Morning & Maths Workshop with Luke O’Dwyer
Thursday 30th January
09:00 Year 5 Assembly
Friday 31st January
Space Odyssey workshop for Y5 and Y6
Monday 3rd February
Children’s Mental Health Week
House Event launch
14:00-16:00 KS2 Netball Skills Festival
Wednesday 5th February
Year 1 Shackleton & Seaside Visitor
Thursday 6th February
Reception and Year 2 Trip to Eden Project
Year 3/4 Trust Dodgeball Competition at Callywith College (6 children per school)
Friday 7th February
08:45-09:45 Year 6 Stay & Learn
It’s been a very busy and productive couple of weeks since the start of term. Alongside the children starting their new learning journeys, we have been holding Pupil Progress Meetings to review all children’s progress and next steps. We will be holding our next round of Parent Teacher Consultations after the half term break. However, in the meantime, should you have any questions about your child, please don’t hesitate in contacting your child’s teacher.
Attached to the email coming home today, you’ll find your child’s fortnightly Year Group News, which highlights some of the teaching and learning from the last couple of weeks and what’s coming up next. Do take a look to see what’s been happening. A copy can also be found on the class pages of our website.
KS2 Cross Country
On Monday, the weather was kind and over 40 of our KS2 pupils represented Wadebridge Primary in the second Wadebridge Area School Cross Country event of the year. All WPA pupils ran with smiles on their faces and enjoyed themselves. Some good results and personal bests recorded. Well done to all!
Year 4 Stay and Learn – Friday 24th January 08:45-09:45 (Hall)
A reminder that all Year 4 parents are invited to join their children in Year 4 at our next Stay and Learn on Friday 24th January. Come and join your child to explore some maths problem solving together. No need to sign up – we look forward to seeing you there.
Coffee Morning & Maths Workshop – Monday 27th January 08:45-09:15
Mr O’Dwyer will be hosting an informal maths workshop and coffee morning after drop off on Monday 27th January.
During the workshop, we will be will be sharing some information about what maths looks like at WPA and the approach we take to ensure pupils develop 'KIRFs' (Key Instant Recall Facts). You will also have the chance to have a go at resources such as Times Table Rockstars to aid with home learning. We look forward to seeing you there.
Thanks for rummaging through the lost property and collecting items. Any remaining clothing has been passed on to FOWPA for their nearly new uniform sales or a local clothes bank.
There’s a lot in the media about schools enforcing their uniform policies with detentions and the like. We don’t follow this path, but instead ask for your support in sending your child in wearing the correct uniform.
Thank you for supporting our uniform policy, as on the whole, the children come to school in the right clothing. From time to time, we do need to remind children about certain accessories and footwear. A copy of our uniform list has been emailed home today; a copy can also be found on our website.
We have amended the wording slightly by removing the “don’t wear this, etc.” so it’s clear (hopefully) what the uniform is, rather than what it isn’t.
As always, should you need any support with uniform, please don’t hesitate in speaking with a member of staff. Likewise, should your child need any reasonable adjustments to their uniform, please speak with your child’s teacher or our SENDCo, Mr Smith.
Would you like to help out at our school, maybe on a trip, hearing readers, gardening or something else you could offer? Keep a look out for a separate message next week with further details on how to register your interest.
House Points
Congratulations to this week’s winners, Swans. Overall, Swans maintain the lead:
Swans – 4063
Choughs – 3933
Cormorants – 3597
Puffins – 3473
Dates coming up this month:
Monday 20th January
(pm) Year 6 Secondary Transition PE Session
Year 6 Bikeability runs until Thursday 13th February
Friday 24th January
08:45-09:45 Year 4 Stay & Learn
Monday 27th January
08:45 Coffee Morning & Maths Workshop with Luke O’Dwyer
Thursday 30th January
09:00 Year 5 Assembly
Friday 31st January
Space Odyssey workshop for Y5 and Y6
With very best wishes,
Chris Wathern
What a wonderful full and final week of the year we have had. Well done to all the children in Nursery and Reception for their sensational sing along. When Santa Got Stuck Up The Chimney was a firm favourite with the children and the audience. Congratulations to our KS1 children for performing so brilliantly in their nativity, Shine Star, Shine. All the children most certainly shone! Thank you to Wadebridge Cinema for hosting us on two occasions this week – the children so enjoyed watching the film (and the walk). To end the week, the staff certainly had a ball performing the annual panto to the children – oh no they didn’t – oh yes they did!
This week we also said a fond farewell to Abi Miskowicz; we wish her all the very best as she starts her new role at Truro and Penwith College – she will be marvellous. After Christmas, we welcome Mrs Carly Cassidy to the team. Mrs Cassidy will be teaching PPA across a range of year groups.
Thank you to you, our supportive parents, our wonderful children and our dedicated staff. It’s been a mammoth 15 week term – and despite its length, the staff have kept going providing memorable learning opportunities for all the children. I wish them, and yourselves, a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
We look forward to seeing everyone back on Tuesday 7th January 2025.
With very best wishes,
Chris Wathern
It’s been a busy Friday, starting with a Trust-wide Head’s meeting at WPA this morning. As well as Bridge Schools working together throughout the year, we also have regular meetings at each other’s schools.
The day started with a tour, expertly led by our House Captains who were “wonderful ambassadors for the school.” Additional feedback included, “Everyone spoke so positively about what they saw around the school. Engaged and focused children at this time of the year can be challenging. The children were delightful.”
We then met to discuss a range of items, including furthering our use of IT across the Trust to continually develop teaching and learning; joint training initiatives; the Trust Alternative Sports Day next year at Looe Primary, and current Ofsted updates.
Alongside this today, Year 5 had their Egyptian WOW Day; the Choir sang at St Breock Care Home and we held our final Celebration Assembly of 2024!
Next week promises to be an exciting mix of teaching, learning and other end of term events. Here’s to another successful week ahead.
Winter Fayre
A huge thank you for raising £1062 in just an hour and a half at our Winter Fayre last Friday. Not only was it an amazing fundraising event, it was an opportunity to come together as a community. There was a fantastic buzz around the school – thank you for your support and to everyone’s involvement in making it such a success.
Family Carols at Egloshayle
On a cold Tuesday evening, we held our Family Carol Service at Egloshayle Church. Thank you all for coming and making it a very special evening. Well done to all the children involved: our choir, readers and performers. A special thanks to Claire Charlton and the team at Egloshayle Church for making us so welcome.
WPA Christmas Fun Run 2024
Thank you to everyone that donated! Online donations, plus change given and gift aid has resulted in us raising over £1000 for Children’s Hospice South West. All children, from Nursery to Year 6 ran brilliantly, and when they started to tire, the sports leaders cheered them on (along with some questionable singing of Christmas songs from Mr O'Dwyer and his megaphone ).
House Points
Congratulations to this week’s winners, Puffins. Well done to all children earning points for their House this term.
The overall winning House this term is Swans. As their reward, all children in Swans get to have a non-uniform day on Friday 10th January 2025.
Swans – 3546
Choughs – 3434
Cormorants – 3088
Puffins – 2901
Gardening at Wadebridge
Last week, we went up to the polytunnel on our school field. We did lots of digging, raking, weeding, painting plant pots and much more. We planted winter vegetables which everyone enjoyed. My group have been looking forward to what we could do next to upgrade and make our polytunnel a better place for wildlife and plants to thrive.
From members of the Eco Council
Coffee Morning – Friday 20th December 08:45 (Reception Playground)
Our final coffee morning of the term takes place next Friday 20th December after drop off (outdoors!) in the Reception playground. Wrap up warm for some al fresco tea, coffee and Christmas tunes!
Dates coming up
Monday 16th Dec
09:00 KS2 Cinema Trip
14:00 Big Nursery & Reception Christmas Singalong with Parents and Buddies
Tuesday 17th Dec
15:00-16:00 Inter-schools Netball Competition
Wednesday 18th Dec
09:00 & 14:00 KS1 Nativity
Thursday 19th Dec
09:00 Reception & KS1 Cinema Trip
Friday 20th Dec
(am) Staff Pantomime for the children
Class Christmas Parties (unless notified on a different date from your class teacher)
Children can wear a Christmas jumper to school
School finishes for Term 1:
12:30 Nursery collection; 13:20 Reception-KS1 collection; 13:30 KS2 collection
21st Dec-6th Jan
Christmas holiday
Tuesday 7th Jan
Back to school
Friday 10th Jan
Swans - Non-Uniform Day
Monday 13th Jan
08:45 Coffee Morning
14:00-15:00 KS2 Cross Country
Term 2 ECAs begin
It was wonderful to see so many parents, grandparents, children and former students at our Winter Fayre today. What a fantastic festive atmosphere. A huge thank you to everyone for coming, to our Christmas Choir, FOWPA and our wonderful staff.
Year Group News
Your child's year group news has been sent home by email today.
Extra-Curricular Activities (ECAs) – Term 2
A reminder that the sign-up closes on Monday 9th December.
Footballing Success!
On Thursday, the Girls’ Football Team participated in the Cornwall finals of the National League Trophy. All the players represented the school magnificently showing great respect, teamwork and skill. This round was for the strongest teams in Cornwall and we were very proud of our results grabbing 2 draws, 2 losses and 1 win.
Family Carol Service – Tuesday 10th December 17:00
We look forward to our family carol service next Tuesday at Egloshayle Church. This isn’t a ticketed event but is likely to be well attended. The rugby club, opposite the church, have kindly offered their car park. Please can anyone parking please do so carefully as they have an event later that evening, thank you.
WPA Christmas Fun Run 2024, Christmas Jumpers & Christmas Lunch – Wednesday 11th December
We have currently raised £412 for Children’s Hospice South West! If you haven't sponsored your child or shared the link with friends and family, please do. Donation link below.
Thank you to those that have donated so far, it is very much appreciated.
Coffee Morning – Friday 13th December 08:45 (Reception Playground)
Our final coffee morning of the term will take place next Friday 13th December after drop off (outdoors!) in the Reception playground. Wrap up warm for some al fresco refreshments and Christmas tunes!
I’m posting this earlier than normal, as I’ve been in Oxford since Wednesday at a leadership event and don’t return to Cornwall until tomorrow evening. Just like our young people at WPA, as staff we are always learning. It has been fascinating learning from other Headteachers and prominent national leaders in education from across the country.
Just like my ongoing learning journey (it never stops), there have been a myriad of learning and enrichment opportunities back in school. I’ll cover some of these next week, but wanted to use today’s blog to share the road safety video we made last week. A special thank you to Bella and Stan in Year 6 for their contribution. Please do take a moment to watch and support us by following the key messages throughout, thank you.
I hope you all remain well and have a relaxing weekend.
Best wishes,
Chris Wathern
Year Group News
Every fortnight, attached to my email you will receive Year Group Newsletters for Reception to Year 6. These give you a brief overview of what the year group have been learning, what’s coming up and any important year group notices. These will also be uploaded to the year group webpage.
As mentioned before, your first point of contact regarding your child, is the class teacher. If emailing teachers, please note they will respond to you when they can, as they are in class teaching most of the time. Please also note, some of our teachers are part time. Should you need to contact the class teacher urgently or give a message, e.g. your child isn’t going to an after school ECA, please contact the school office as normal and they will pass on the message. Thank you for your cooperation.
Grandparents’ Stay and Learn
It’s hard to sum up the wonderful atmosphere created on Tuesday. We had over 130 special visitors come into school and share memories of the past with the children and with each other over a cup of tea in the Hall – beautifully decorated as ‘The Forgettory’. A special thank you to our School Choir, the House Captains, Miss Folland and everyone behind the scenes for making this such a successful morning. We will be creating a display in our Hall to remember the event. We are also considering ways we can host other events for the children’s grandparents/ older relatives in the future.
We welcome any feedback from anyone who attended and/or show an interest in helping/volunteering at our school. Please email Mrs Orme:, thank you.
Year 6 Assembly
What an amazing first year group assembly. Huge congratulations to the Year 6 children and team of staff. The audience were treated to an immersive experience whilst joining the street party. From acting to singing to trumpet playing – well done Year 6!
A typical comment from the review cards on the table included:
“It was just perfect. I felt like I was back celebrating at a street party when I was younger. Loved the singalong! Well done Year 6 – smashed it!”
Reception 2025 Stay and Play
Yesterday, we welcomed September 2025 families to our Reception Stay and Play session. It was wonderful to see so many new families as well as familiar faces come for a play session and a look around our Early Years environment. The children enjoyed the art and craft activities, as well as being able to access all of the resources and outdoor learning areas. We will be holding our final 'Stay and Play' session on Thursday 28th November between 10:00-11:00. We can't wait to see you there.
Road Safety Week
To mark Road Safety Week, we began with a special assembly on Monday. You may have also spotted a black Peugeot driving around the car park at 10mph too – it’s a lot slower than we might all think, and drive!
A couple of our Year 6 children have also supported us to make a short film, with some reminders about the use of our school site, car park and drop off arrangements. Please find a moment next week to watch this video – a link will be emailed out early next week.
Year 3 Stay and Learn
Year 3 are looking forward to welcoming their parents to the first year group’s Stay and Learn next Friday 29th November between 08:45-09:45. Get ready to join your children for a maths investigation in the Hall. All Year 3 parents/other relatives welcome!
House Points
Congratulations to this week’s winners, Swans. Overall, Swans still maintain the lead, though other Houses are narrowing the gap:
Swans – 2961
Choughs – 2724
Cormorants – 2489
Puffins – 2262
Coffee Morning - Children’s Mental Health & Wellbeing
It was wonderful to see so many parents at this morning’s coffee morning. As well as being on hand to listen and speak with parents, Mrs May and Mr Smith were able to show parents the dedicated spaces we use to support our children. If you couldn’t make it and want to get in touch with Mrs May or Mr Smith, please contact them on or or catch them in the mornings when they are around.
Our final coffee morning of the term will take place on Friday 13th December after drop off (outdoors!) in the Reception playground. Wrap up warm for some al fresco refreshments and Christmas tunes!
Compost Donation
A big thank you to Arthur’s parents (in Year 2) and Mrs O’Dwyer for transporting the generous donation of compost from the Green Waste company to our school site.
Winter Fayre – Friday 6th December 15:00-16:30
We look forward to welcoming everyone to our Winter Fayre on Friday 6th December. There will be a mix of stalls, games and refreshments on offer to both enjoy and raise money for the school. With FOWPA’s support, our main fundraising efforts this year are going towards improving the Key Stage 2 wet area/learning zones between classrooms, as well as additions to our outdoor learning and play environment.
Further details about the Fayre and arrangements for all the other festive activities will be coming home next week. All the dates are below again for information.
FOWPA Christmas Jumper Sale
FOWPA is holding a pre-loved Christmas jumper sale on Thursday 28th November after school - all jumpers £1. Please donate any unneeded clean Christmas jumpers in the box in the main reception. Alongside festive wear will be our regular second hand uniform.
WPA Christmas Fun Run 2024!
The elf is returning to WPA once again and hopefully with some snow! On Wednesday 11th December all year groups will take part in our Christmas Fun Run in aid of a charity close to our hearts. For the last few years we have helped Children’s Hospice South West raise much needed funds to provide children and their families vital support. We are once again asking pupils to take on the fun run and high-five the elf and get as much sponsorship as possible. The route around the school grounds will be shared with pupils soon.
The date of the run is also our Christmas Jumper and Christmas Dinner day, therefore the plan is pupils will be dressed in Christmas attire for the run!
We will be sharing a JustGiving link like in previous years soon, so please keep an eye on your email and Facebook for the link. We appreciate any donation given, regardless of amount.
Thank you!
School Emergency Closures
Following yesterday’s flurry, a timely reminder that in the event of an emergency (e.g. snow, flooding, no water or heating), leading to a decision to close the school, parents will be notified as follows:
• By mobile phone text message
• Email
• School website news feed and banner
• Local radio stations, if possible
In addition, providing it is safe to do so, a member of staff will be at the school gate to meet any parents and children who have missed the above messages.
Should a decision be made during the school day, we will follow the same messaging as above, but supervise your children in school until they are safely collected.
Reminder: Please ensure the school office has your most up to date contact details.
Children in Need & Wild Planet Trust Charity Non-Uniform Day
What a ‘Spotacular’ day we have had. It was wonderful seeing so many children and staff dressing up and raising money for Children in Need and our children’s chosen charity, Wild Planet Trust for conservation. An amazing £280.90 was raised which will be split between the two charities. Thank you for your support.
Reception Soft Play Experience!
On Thursday, Reception had a very exciting afternoon. They were fortunate enough to be offered a free session at Wadebridge Sports & Leisure Centre's new soft play area. The children had a wonderful time and did not stop smiling! We'd like to say a big thank you to the Leisure Centre for inviting us.
Year 6 Assembly
Next Thursday, Year 6 parents are invited to come and join the first year group assembly of the year. Further details were emailed to Year 6 parents yesterday.
Coffee Morning - Friday 22 November 08:45 (Children’s Mental Health & Wellbeing) with Marsha May
Next Friday, it would be fantastic to see as many parents as possible at our next coffee morning. Mrs May will be on hand to talk about how we support children’s mental health and wellbeing at school. Every school needs a Mrs May! Come along for a cuppa, a catch up with other parents, and find out how we support and can further support your children’s well-being together.
Footballing Success
Earlier this week, our amazing boys’ football team had their first outing and took part in the ESFA qualifier. They played four games, winning three and drawing one. The whole team were AMAZING and put on a real show! They were excellent together and were especially good with their communication, hard work, dedication and not giving up. This took them all the way to the semi-finals where they won and qualified for the finals!
By Max 6W
Grandparents’ Stay and Learn - Tuesday 19th November 09:00-11:30
A final call to sign up! Currently, we have over 80 grandparents/older relatives joining us for a very special morning.
Please can you let the grandparents know to arrive after 08:45 if using the school car park, to allow time for the normal drop off arrangements. They can then make their way through the main entrance into the Library where we will sign them in.
08:45-09:00 Grandparents arrive
09:00 Refreshments and Choir Performance
09:20 Welcome and Introduction from the House Captains
09:30 Time to explore the ‘Forgettory’ & photo opportunity for children with their grandparents
10:15 Grandparents to visit classrooms and take part in activity
11:30 Grandparents leave school
House Points
Congratulations to this week’s winners, Choughs. Overall, Swans still maintain the lead:
Swans – 2647
Choughs – 2490
Cormorants – 2214
Puffins – 2077
Road Safety Week
Next week is Road Safety Week. Keep a look out for the ways we will be promoting road safety, including raising awareness of our 10mph speed limit around the school site.
We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.
We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.
We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.
We are passionate about learning.
We are the best we can be.
We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.
© 2025 Bridge Schools trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Registration number 7736425. It is an exempt charity.