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Looe Primary Academy   5th February - Learning all about Chinese New Year!

Posted 06/02/2025
by Jasmine Bolger

Learning all about Chinese New Year! 

We have had a great week in Foundation / Year 1.

We were very lucky to have Eva come and talk to us all about Chinese New Year. We listened to songs and learnt about traditions and Chinese food. We then made lanterns out of card and paper. We loved making the lanterns so much we made them all week! As it is the year of the snake, we made snake puppets, coloured in pictures and used our cutting skills to cut out a snake. We learnt lots and felt very lucky to have such a special visitor!

In our learning, we have been focusing more on minibeasts this week. Outside, Foundation labelled different minibeasts and talked about how they are similar and different. We have been learning about growing plants too, and what we need to grow a plant. Foundation have also been writing initial sounds using their phonics that are focused around our gardening story Christopher Nibble. Year 1 have begun planning their own gardening stories and will begin writing these next week.

We have had another wonderful week and I cannot believe we only have one week of half term left. This half term is really flying by!

Foundation / Year 1 Team


Blisland Primary Academy  

Posted 06/02/2025
by Andrew Smith

This Week at Blisland Primary Academy

It has been another exciting and eventful week at Blisland Primary Academy, with pupils taking part in a range of fantastic activities, from sporting competitions to creative projects and themed celebrations!

One of the highlights of the week was the dodgeball tournament held at Callywith College. Pupils from Blisland competed against 14 other Bridge Academy schools in a fast-paced and energetic competition. Our team showed incredible teamwork, determination, and sportsmanship, demonstrating quick reflexes and strategic thinking in every match. It was a brilliant experience for all involved, and we are so proud of their efforts!

We also celebrated Valentine’s Day in style with a special Valentine’s Disco at the village hall. Pupils enjoyed an evening filled with music, games, and dancing, with plenty of sweet treats to keep their energy levels high! The event was a fantastic opportunity for everyone to come together, have fun, and enjoy the festive atmosphere. A huge thank you to everyone who helped organise the disco – it was a wonderful success!

In the classroom, Nessa Class has been busy learning about plants and the Earth’s rotation. Pupils explored how the movement of the Earth creates day and night, deepening their understanding of space and science. As part of this topic, they also created stunning space-themed artwork using a combination of print and collage techniques. Their vibrant and imaginative pieces truly captured the beauty and mystery of the universe!

Meanwhile, Kensa Class has continued with their fascinating topic on China. Pupils have been learning more about Chinese traditions, geography, and history, further developing their knowledge of this incredible country. Alongside this, they have been working hard on their gymnastics routines, focusing on balances and rolls. Their dedication to improving their strength, flexibility, and coordination has been fantastic to see.

It has been a week full of achievements, creativity, and fun at Blisland Primary Academy. Well done to all our pupils for their enthusiasm and hard work—we can’t wait to see what next week brings!


Blisland Primary Academy   The Romans Topic

Posted 06/02/2025
by Andrew Smith

Nessa Class Explores the Roman Invasion of Britain

Nessa Class has been on an incredible historical journey, completing an engaging six-lesson unit all about the Roman invasion of Britain. Through research, discussions, and creative activities, pupils have explored key questions surrounding this fascinating period and developed a deeper understanding of how the Romans shaped British history.

The unit began with an investigation into Roman buildings. Pupils examined ancient ruins, mosaics, and artefacts to infer what life was like in Roman Britain. They discovered how advanced Roman engineering was, learning about structures like roads, bathhouses, and amphitheatres. These buildings demonstrated Roman power and organisation, leaving a lasting impact on British society.

Next, the class explored the reasons behind the Roman invasion. They learned that the Romans, led by Emperor Claudius in AD 43, wanted to expand their empire, gain access to valuable resources like tin and gold, and boost Claudius’ reputation as a strong leader. The pupils debated whether the invasion was justified and considered the long-term effects on Britain.

One of the most exciting lessons focused on how the Britons responded to the invasion. Pupils learned about key resistance leaders, including the brave warrior queen Boudicca. They explored how different Celtic tribes either fought fiercely against the Romans or chose to cooperate. The class discussed the strengths and weaknesses of these different responses and considered what they would have done in the Britons’ position.

A highlight of the unit was studying why the Roman army was so successful. Pupils investigated Roman military tactics, armour, and weapons. They discovered how discipline, training, and clever battle formations like the testudo (tortoise) formation helped the Romans defeat their enemies. The class also examined how Roman roads allowed troops to move quickly across the country, ensuring control over Britain.

To tie everything together, Nessa Class put their learning into action in English lessons by writing a discussion text on whether the Celtic tribes should accept Roman rule. Pupils considered both sides of the argument, weighing up the benefits of Roman roads, trade, and new technologies against the loss of Celtic traditions and independence. Their writing showcased strong reasoning skills, with some pupils arguing that embracing Roman rule would bring stability and progress, while others passionately defended the Celts’ right to resist.

This unit has been a fantastic opportunity for pupils to develop their historical thinking skills, debate important issues, and engage with the past in a meaningful way. Nessa Class should be very proud of their hard work and enthusiasm – well done, everyone!


St Cleer Primary Academy   Week beginning 3rd February 2025

Posted 06/02/2025
by Carmel Alberts

In PSHE, we have been learning about dreams and goals and how important it is to set stepping stones to achieve success. We've discussed how setting smaller, manageable goals can help us work towards bigger dreams and how persistence is key to overcoming challenges. We've also explored different strategies that can help us stay motivated along the way.

In Maths, we've recently started learning about addition. We've been practicing using number lines to help us understand how numbers increase and how to solve addition problems more easily. It's been really helpful because the number line allows us to visualise the process and double-check our answers.

In PE, we've been working with the gymnastics frame and practicing our jumping skills. The gymnastics frame has allowed us to explore different movements, and we've been learning how to balance, climb, and jump safely. It's been fun to challenge ourselves and see how our skills improve.

In History, we explored classrooms now and in the past. We compared how classrooms have changed over time, looking at old-fashioned desks and how lessons were taught many years ago. It's fascinating to think about the differences in technology, teaching methods, and even the layout of the rooms. We also discussed how these changes affect how we learn today.

In English, we've been working on sequencing the story of The Tiger Who Came to Tea. We've focused on understanding the order of events in the story and practicing how to retell it clearly. 


Looe Primary Academy   WB 3.2.25

Posted 06/02/2025
by Cathrine Pittas

Food Food Food

A visit from the Royal Cornwall Show to talk about and discover where our food comes from. 

A maths biscuit project to enhance our skills with money and maths.


Looe Primary Academy   Spring Term 2025

Posted 06/02/2025
by Cathrine Pittas

Spring Term

Welcome to another term in Year 3/4.  This term, our curriculum questions is 'What causes a volcano to erupt?'. The children will learn about volcanoes, their locations around the world and a range of information about them including tectonic plates.  In history, we are continuing our timeline and moving on to learning about the role of the Romans. The focus here will be on their general role as an empire and more specifically the role of the Romans in Britain.  Art and DT will link to this and we hope to make shields and mosaics on those lessons. 

Please continue to actively go over times tables with your children. These are so important in the majority of maths areas in Key Stage 2. 
We expect that children read at least 3 times a week.  Please do contact school if we can help with this in any way.

Attached are:
The curriculum map for the term.
The year 3 and the year 4 KIRFs (Key Instant Recall Facts) for the Spring Term
Common Exception Words for Year 3 and 4. (These are the words children need to be able to read and spell by the end of year 3 and 4.)


Blisland Primary Academy   Enjoying a special banquet.

Posted 06/02/2025
by Julie Pearce


Blisland Primary Academy   Lunar New Year.

Posted 06/02/2025
by Julie Pearce

January 29th 2025, marks the first day of the Lunar New Year, also known as the Spring Festival.


The Lunar New Year is an international holiday celebrated in many countries throughout Asia and around the world. The holiday goes by different names depending on where you are celebrating, and it symbolises a hopeful transition from the cold winter to the season of renewal.


As we say goodbye to the Year of the Dragon, we welcome the Year of the Snake. People born in the Year of the Snake are seen as charismatic, intelligent, and artistic; they are also often considered cunning and mysterious.

This week, we made colourful dragon pictures; the children created a dragon dance together and took turns leading. We have looked at different traditions surrounding this special time of year and explored mark-making techniques as we made our Chinese name decoration; our decorations were in red to bring us good luck. Lots of fun was had as we improved our fine motor skills and perseverance, using chopsticks to eat at the special banquet that we prepared together. Everyone enjoyed sampling different vegetables and tastes. Opening our fortune cookies proved very exciting as everyone found a hidden message.


 Happy Lunar New Year to all who celebrate!


Copper Valley Infant and Nursery Academy   January 2025

Posted 06/02/2025
by Lynn Cox

We returned in the New Year to a cold snap which gave us a great opportunity to learn about how to dress for winter to keep ourselves warm. Outside we found ice shapes and icicles and used our senses to explore, feeling the freezing cold ice, looking at the pretty patterns in the ice and listening to it crunch on the floor as we stomped on it. We looked at different shaped snowflakes and decorated our own paper snowflakes using pipettes to squeeze paint. We looked at wintery trees and used cotton buds to make snow effects.

We also learnt about animals from colder climates, using Duplo and Megablocks to make them homes and sorting them by size. 


We enjoyed lots of visits to other parts of the school, borrowing books to take home as well as developing our gross motor skills riding the wiggle bikes in the hall.


January also saw the RSPB’s Big Garden Bird Count and we made seed bird feeders to take home to encourage birds to visit out own gardens. We also learnt about common garden birds in our birdwatching area. Our children also shared their findings by bringing in their charts from home to tell us which birds they saw. 


One of our story focus’ this month was ‘Owl Babies’ and our children used some great vocabulary telling us what they already know about owls  - “Owl are nocturnal”. The children observed photos of owls and painted their own, using great details and features.

In our child interest area, the children voted for Space, and we enjoyed lots of space related activities, including games that promoted turn taking and sharing.

The children also chose a horse and pony area and worked together using junk modelling to make them some stables to live in.

Our White Rose Maths focus was Space, Shape and Measure and we looked at the properties of the shaped blocks and used them to create our own models and pictures.

We finished the month with Chinese New Year and enjoyed lots of themed activities and role play learning about China, Chinese foods, costumes and the animals in the lunar calendar. We also made lanterns practising cutting and sticking as well as other craft activities celebrating the Year of the Snake. Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. 


Duloe C of E Primary Academy   Class 1 Artists

Posted 06/02/2025
by Laura Cole

What talented artists we have in Class 1! Throughout our painting focus in art we have been learning all about primary colours and how to mix them to create secondary colours. We have also been thinking about how to apply paint using different techniques such as sponges and rollers and exploring when we would use paintbrushes of different thicknesses. These skills are on display in our classroom next to our beautifully published ‘Goals for 2025’.


Polperro Primary Academy  

Posted 06/02/2025
by Emily Randle

I don't know where to begin as this week has been so busy!

On Wednesday, we were visited by Muhunthiny (a Hindu speaker) who gave us a workshop on the Hinduism religion. We had a lovely morning, trying on the traditional clothing, learning about the religion and how Hindus live their lives, day to day. Our behaviour was impeccable and she is looking forward to visiting us again in the future.

We have written our draft copy of our free verse poetry and are in the process of editng, improving and writing up our best copies: I look forward to reading them all.

Y5s have been completing their multiplication and division this week, focusing on the short method of division. Y6s have been multiplying and dividing fractions by integers and are absolutely nailing the learning.

We have been exploring the construction of suspension bridges in DT. Lily has made a fabulous 3D model and Martha, Elsie and Ava constructed a bridge, spanning the length of a 60cm gap. The class will be moving onto designing and constructing their own model bridge in our final week next week. In Geography, Chaipel have been learning about energy sustainability, about the life and times of Gandhi in RE and in Computing, how to compress images to show how pixel quantity enhances an image without altering its size.

Recognising that this week is Child's Mental Health Week, Polperro Primary had a fabulous morning ensuring positive mental health. We began with the RSPB National Bird Watch - dedicating an hour to watching and recording the birds that we saw in our area. After that, in our house teams, we then did four different activities designed to relieve stress and support our wellbeing. Ava embraced her love of art and took a piece of chalk to our playground! It was a truely wonderful morning and as a school, we have decided that we should do more mornings like this. 

Congratulations to our People of the Week, Isaac and Lily, for demonstrating our school values of being 'creative' and 'curious' as well as Lily for achieving her BRONZE in her 99 Club.

That's all from me this week. So have a lovely weekend and see you all for a four-day final week of half term from Monday.

Miss Randle, Mrs Clary, Miss Hodge and Miss Colton


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   Week ending 07.02.25

Posted 05/02/2025
by Joanne Pentreath

What a brilliant week we have had in Marazion Class! The children have been working hard across all subjects, developing their skills and creativity in so many ways. Here’s a look at what we’ve been up to:

English – Stories and Poetry
This week, the children edited and improved their adaptations of Stone Age Boy, showing great creativity and attention to detail. We also began our poetry unit by reciting poems in groups and as a class, building confidence and expression in our performances. It has been wonderful to see the enthusiasm for poetry growing!

Art – A Splash of Colour!
We started the week by immersing ourselves in the artwork of John Dyer. The children practised different artistic techniques in their sketchbooks before creating their own bright and colourful pieces of St Michael’s Mount. They worked so hard to capture the beauty of this iconic place while keeping to the Marazion theme. The results were stunning!

Number Day Fun!
Today, we celebrated Number Day with lots of fun times table challenges. The children enjoyed testing their maths skills in different ways, making learning exciting and engaging!

History – Trading in the Bronze and Iron Age
In History, we explored the concepts of trading, importing, and exporting during the Bronze and Iron Age. The children had a great time role-playing as traders, exchanging goods with their friends to create the perfect survival kit for the era. It was fantastic to see them thinking strategically and working collaboratively.

Children’s Mental Health Week
Throughout the week, we took part in various activities for Children’s Mental Health Week. From whole-school assemblies to class discussions, we focused on personal growth and self-reflection. We read Words and Your Heart, which helped us think about the impact of our words and emotions. The children shared thoughtful insights about how they can ‘grow’ in different ways.

Dance – A Performance to Remember!
Mr Woolner was delighted to watch the final dance pieces that the children have been working on. Their teamwork, effort, and commitment to perfecting their routines were truly impressive!

Computing – Exciting Coding Projects

·       Year 3 have been coding on Scratch, creating sequences and variables to make music. They have really enjoyed experimenting with different sounds and functions!

·       Year 4 have been working with Micro:bits, designing step counters, night lights, and emotion badges. Their creativity and problem-solving skills have shone through!

Science – The Power of the Sun
In Science, we explored the effects of sunlight and how it can damage our skin and eyes. The children were fascinated by this topic and had great discussions about how we can protect ourselves from the sun.

A Celebration of Art Week
We ended the week by enjoying a wonderful art display, showcasing the fantastic artwork created by classes across the school. The children loved seeing what their peers had produced and took great pride in their own work.

Thank you for your continued support. We hope you have a lovely weekend!




Copper Valley Infant and Nursery Academy   January

Posted 05/02/2025
by Johanna Thomas

January in the ARC

Our topic this half term has been vehicles and journeys. We have been learning about different types of vehicles, listening to vehicle stories and taking different modes of transport. 

Last Tuesday we took a train trip to Bere Ferres from Gunnislake. When we were at the station we were lucky enough to have a ride on the steam train that sits at the station. It looks quite different on the inside to the trains that we have today. When the ride was over, we ate our packed lunches while sitting in the carriage. 

In Art we began the the term with colour mixing circles. We then used the circles to create vehicle collages. We think they look fantastic!

Next week we will be taking a bus trip to Tavistock. We will get a chance to play at the park and have a picnic packed lunch. 

This might sound like fun but there is actually so much learning involved when we take a day out. The children have to use checklists to get themselves ready for the trip which encourages independence. We are practicing road safety skills, communication skills ( asking for tickets and liaising with the public). We can also practice our self regulation during a visit out. There are some things that our some of our children struggle with (- e.g walking past a dog.) When we go out regularly, we have a chance to support our children with the things they find tricky and often it desensitizes them so that it is no longer a big problem. 


Copper valley Junior Academy  

Posted 04/02/2025
by Caroline Hambly

January 2025

Welcome back to a new year in Year 5!
Our key topic for the first half of the spring term is... The Romans. So far, we have looked at time lines to see how long ago The Romans invaded Britain and what else was going on in Britain and the rest of the world at a similar time. We have looked at some of the technological advancements the Romans made once they had settled in Britain, mainly through looking at the changes in houses at this time. We listened to the story about Boudicca and why she acted the way she did during the time period of Roman Britain. 
In art and DT, we have been looking at Roman pottery and how this was heavily influenced by the Ancient Greeks. We have researched the shapes and patterns commonly used in Roman pottery and compared their designs to those of the Greeks.
We had a visit from the NSPCC this month; helping us to understand how we can keep ourselves safe and who the safe adults are that we can talk to about any worries we may have.


Copper Valley Infant and Nursery Academy   January 2025

Posted 04/02/2025
by Rachel Tomkins

Happy New Year! 
This half term our big question is 'What do you find where the land meets the sea?' We have been learning the names and positions of the continents and oceans and have re-capped the countries that make up the United Kingdom.
We have started to learn about an abstract artist called  Alma Thomas. Through her work we have learnt about primary and secondary colours. We have also tried to create pictures in her style.
In maths we have been learning to read, write order and compare numbers to 20.


Copper valley Junior Academy  

Posted 04/02/2025
by Michaela Wright

January 2025

We started the month with an Ancient Egyptian day which involved the children exploring the Liverpool museums virtual Egyptian exhibition, locating Egypt on maps and atlases, assessing what they already knew about Ancient Egypt and using different art techniques to transform themselves into pharaohs. During the course of the month the children continued to study Ancient Egypt, becoming historians by firstly, asking and answering lots of questions about the past and evaluating the reliability of their evidence. Then, they used different primary and secondary sources of evidence to learn about this period of history. Finally, they compared now and then to look at how things have or haven’t changed over time looking for similarities and differences to answer our question ‘What was it like to be Tutankhamun and how does it compare to my life as a nine-year-old?’.

In English we studied the book "The Secrets of the Sun King" dragon’ We read the story as a class over the course of the month whilst completing VIPER activities and using our Fab Four characters to investigate the story in more detail. The children completed lots of SPaG work, particularly focusing on expanded noun phrases, direct speech and fronted adverbials before eventually planning, writing and editing their very own alternative endings for the story.

In Maths we completed lots of work on multiplication and division. The children spent time using various different written methods to help them complete the given calculations.

In music the children have started to learn the glockenspiel. After recapping some of the vocabulary and terminology the children have learnt to play several different notes and have begun playing these alongside different tunes, many recognisable to them.

PE this month has been gymnastics, the children have enjoyed linking movements and using the apparatus. 


Polperro Primary Academy   Week ending Friday 31st January

Posted 02/02/2025
by Helen Fitzsimmons

Hello Everyone,

We have enjoyed working with clay this week in Penhallow, as part of our learning about the artist and sculptor Andy Goldsworthy. We chose objects to make imprints into clay, and then used them to make patterns on finger pots that we had made. We are looking forward to finding out how they have dried next week, so that we can paint them.

During our English lessons we continued to use the text; ‘Field Trip to the Moon’ by John Hare to inspire our writing. Year 1 have written some superb recounts, all about their trip to the Moon, while Reception have been busy writing labels, captions and even some onomatopoeia words, after watching a clip of a rocket taking off. They thought of some fantastic vocabulary and used their knowledge of phonics to write their own words.

We have been enjoying our new rocket role play area, and have been busy writing space log books, painting different planets and preparing for journeys into space. We have also used different construction materials to make additions and inventions for the rocket. 

It is now the Chinese New Year, so this week, we have also learnt about the story of the great race, as well as finding out about some of the traditions involved in Chinese New Year. Reception have managed to write a list of some of the animals that were involved in the race.

Have a lovely weekend! 

From the Penhallow team.


Polperro Primary Academy   Friday 31st January 2025

Posted 31/01/2025
by Alice Wilkie

Wonderful Shadows and Puppet Designs

This week has gone by in a flash! In Science, we have been exploring shadows. We learnt that shadows are formed when light is blocked by objects and used vocabulary to describe whether the material was opaque, translucent or transparent. We also started our initial designs for shadow puppets we will be creating in DT. We are very excited about bringing our ideas to life for a shadow puppet performance!

In English, we have been writing our explanation texts on how do bees make honey. We have made a good start on this but will continue this next week. In Maths, Year 2 have been continuing to explore money by making the same amounts, comparing totals and calculating totals. Year 3 have been multiplying and dividing 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers. 

Congratulations to Iylah and Frankie for being chosen as Landaviddy's People of the Week! And a big well done to all the children who achieved their 99 club badges. 

We hope you have a lovely weekend and look forward to seeing you on Monday! 

Mrs Wilkie, Mrs Phillips, Miss Bowden and Miss Colton


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   Week ending 31st January 2025

Posted 31/01/2025
by David Parry

Fun, fitness and beating heart

A wonderful beginning to the week. The children experienced fun and fitness through the attendance of a Parkour group. Parkour is a movement activity that promotes health and fitness whilst teaching young people to master their bodies and minds. The children were all full of smiles and enthusiasm as they practised moving their bodies over equipment and climbing on frames. 

To link to the fitness, the children learned how to create an algorithm for a Micro:bit - a mini computer. They created a small beating heart by including instructions and a repeated pattern. Their understanding of computer programs is amazing.

The children have finally completed their first draft of their own version of Hansel and Gretel. Instead of a witch, they have included a Yeti to link with the Class' theme of life in the Alps. They are really enjoying this piece of work and will re-edit their stories next week to ensure the writing contains all the correct capital letters, full stops and figurative language.

During maths, the children have finally grasped the idea of adding and subtracting simple fractions. The new unit covers multiplying numbers using the grid and column method.

Best wishes, Mrs Swabey, Mr Parry, Mrs Walters, Mrs Payne and Miss Rowlands.


Copper Valley Infant and Nursery Academy   January 2025

Posted 31/01/2025
by Claire Martin

We've been learning about winter and the changes that occur. We started by looking at the trees and then moved onto talking about the weather with a particular focus on ice. We predicted what we thought would happen when we added cold water, hot water and salt to ice cubes. We then observed what happened and talked about whether our predictions were correct. We were challenged to see if we could pick up the ice cubes using string. We also investigated what happened when we painted the ice. We added salt and paint to see what happened. 

We learnt how to use different colour and different sized brushes on a drawing app to draw bare winter trees and snowmen.

We then looked at maps. We started off by looking at a map of the United Kingdom. We looked at where England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales were located. We also identified Cornwall and discussed the fact that this is the county that we live in. We then looked at a map of our local area. We identified our school, the roads, fields, houses and woods. We then switched the map view to an aerial photograph and compared the two. Next, we looked at a map of Gunnislake and identified the features that were the same as the area around our school. We also identified where the river was and the bridge that crosses over it. We drew our own maps. We thought carefully about the colours and shapes used on the maps we had looked at to show the different features. Later in the week we compared where we live to Plymouth. We talked about Plymouth and whether the children had been there. We discussed what it was like. Were there any things that were the same as our school area? Were there any differences? We looked at a map of Plymouth city centre and compared it to the map of our local area. We then sorted some of the features found in the two different places.

Next we learnt about people in our community who help us. We looked at a poster showing lots of different people who help us. We identified the people and discussed what they do and how they help us. We then took part in various activities throughout the week which helped us learn more about some of these people. We learnt about some of the people who work in hospitals such as doctors, nurses, surgeons and receptionists. We then made a hospital and took on some of the roles of these people. The children were really caring towards each other. This was also a great opportunity for the children to practise their writing as they made notes about their patients symptoms and treatments. We watched a short video about firefighters and learnt how it's really important that they stay fit and healthy in order to do their job. We talked about the importance of smoke alarms in our houses to warn us if a fire starts and what to do if this happened. 

Some of the children showed an interest in the job of scientists. We talked about the fact that there are lots of different types of scientists but they all try to find things out. During our forest school session we pretended to be scientists who could make special potions to help people. The children then collected ingredients to put in their potions and talked about how they would help people. They had some fantastic ideas!

In PE we've been practising finding our own space using the cones. We've also practised moving in lots of different ways, such as sidestepping, crawling, jogging and skipping, taking care to avoid bumping into anyone or anything. We've learnt how to make some gymnastic shapes with our bodies. Some of these included the straddle, pike, arch and dish. We've also been practising how to balance on various parts of our body.

In maths we've been learning about the composition of numbers. We've been learning how to make 6, 7 and 8 by adding 1, 2 and 3 onto 5. We've also ordered numbers. The children have been brilliant at practising these skills independently during continuous provision. One of the activities they've particularly enjoyed has been carrying out surveys to find out what their friends favourite pets and foods are. They carefully recorded the children's choices and then counted the totals. They were then able to say which was the most and least popular using the language more and fewer.

Our phonics learning continues everyday and many of the children have now moved onto reading and writing short sentences. We're also learning to read and spell words with four sounds. I've been really impressed with how they've been trying really hard to form all their letters correctly with many children now able to write neatly on lines.


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